MumsWhoCode: Empowering Mothers with Tech Skills

MumsWhoCode is a platform supporting mothers in Africa who are interested in learning or upskilling in tech careers.

Our Offering

Network and Collaborate

Access a community where you can connect with women who share a common interest, grow your network and collaborate on projects.

Build Skills

Through our flagship women empowerment program-Digital Women Bootcamp, we provide free 8-weeks instructor-led tech skills training in a structured and flexible mode for mums.

Digital Services

We connect students with interested learners with experienced instructors; provide web development, digital marketing and analytics services to female-owned startups/individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member of MumsWhoCode Community

Basic membership to MumsWhoCode Community is free.

Who can join MumsWhoCode Community?

MumsWhoCode Community is open to newbies and experienced women in tech. However, our programming is motherhood friendly as we promote diversity and inclusivity.

Is MumsWhoCode only focused on coding skills?

No, we encourage women to consider other technical areas that meet their career interests.

Do I have to pay to attend a training?

Depends. The Digital Women Bootcamp is free for all participants. Other community trainings/workshop might require a small fee.