Empowering Women in Tech through Inclusive Events

Women in tech events foster a supportive and inclusive environment for women in the technology industry.

These events offer networking, skill development, and career growth opportunities.

Women working in tech should check out these resources to discover upcoming events that can help advance their careers.

  • WomenTech Network: A global network promoting and organizing events for women in tech.
    Explore their website: https://www.womentech.net/
  • AnitaB.org: Organizes the Grace Hopper Celebration, one of the largest gatherings of women technologists globally.
    Discover more on their website: https://anitab.org/
  • Tech Ladies: Connects women with job opportunities and resources in the tech industry.
    Explore their website: https://www.hiretechladies.com/
  • Women in Tech Global: provides events and programs to support women in tech with a global event calendar.
    Check their website for event listings: https://women-in-tech.org/
  • Eventbrite: A comprehensive platform for discovering events of all kinds, including women in tech events.
    Discover events close to you: https://www.eventbrite.com/
  • LinkedIn Events: LinkedIn recommends events that are relevant to you based on your interests, Pages you follow, and the events being attended by your network.
    Explore their website: https://www.linkedin.com/events/
  • Local Tech Communities and Meetups: Research local tech communities and meetup groups for events specifically for women in tech.

Remember, these are just a few examples. Many other organizations and websites offer valuable resources for finding women in tech events. Keep exploring and stay connected with your local tech community to stay informed about the latest opportunities!